Our Training Courses

Your career journey starts with the first step…

…and our courses get you on your path. They’re designed to help kick-start your career while you’re still at school, and all can lead to apprenticeships, entry-level jobs or tertiary training, straight from school.

All our courses offer a range of unit standards and credits which can count towards NCEA levels 1, 2 or 3.

What courses can you choose from?

Some courses are available in Nelson and some in Marlborough. Students may choose to travel to Nelson or Marlborough to attend their programme of choice (all transport is free).

Practical and hands-on

Trades Academy training is practical and hands-on and there are lots of options to choose from. You can learn anything from electrical engineering and aquaculture, to adventure tourism and artificial intelligence. You’ll learn heaps of useful skills to help you go on to further study or get a job right out of school. The best part is, it’s free!

Training is either one day a week at one of the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology’s (NMIT) campuses in Richmond, Nelson and Blenheim; at the Electrical Training Company (ETCO) premises in Nelson; or in residential blocks at Whenua Iti Outdoors.

Nelson and Tasman

Nelson and Tasman Training is normally one day a week (usually Friday) at either ETCO’s premises in Nelson or one of NMIT’s campuses in Richmond or Nelson, or at live-in ‘block’ courses at Whenua Iti Outdoors. 

Explore Nelson / Tasman Courses


Training happens on Thursdays at NMIT’s Blenheim Campus, on Fridays at Woodbourne Air Base or at live-in ‘block’ courses at Whenua Iti Outdoors.

Explore Marlborough Courses

Would you like to apply?

If this sounds like you, get in touch with your Trades Academy Co-ordinator at your school or or apply online.
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