About Trades Academy
Do you have the skills?
We give students great reasons to stay in school, and help them gain trades skills for successful, satisfying careers.

How can we help you?
We help year 11-13 high school students keep their options open by achieving NCEA credits at school while gaining practical work skills and trades qualifications in a wide variety of industries from automotive engineering to uniformed services.
We’re your link between secondary school and work opportunities, or further study. We’ll help you:
- ease your transition into the world of work
- identify further training or study opportunities
- show you what your future career could look like while working towards NCEA
Who do we work with?
We partner with local secondary schools and their students, Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT), Whenua Iti Outdoors, the Electrical Training Company (ETCO) and industry.
So, we’re part of the secondary education system, but you will walk between the two worlds… school and tertiary.
How it works
If you’re in year 11-13 and are focused, committed, and keen to work in a trade, then get in touch with your school’s Trades Academy Co-ordinator (or us) to learn more and then apply online.
Training is one day a week for the school year, at NMIT’s campuses in Richmond, Nelson or Blenheim, at Woodbourne Airbase or at ETCO’s premises in Nelson.
Some courses are live-in (residential) ‘block’ courses at Whenua Iti Outdoors.
Our tutors are experienced and have connections in the industry. They’ll give you (and the others in your trades class) training and a first-hand taste of working in your chosen field.
What does it cost?
We’re funded through the Ministry of Education’s Youth Guarantee Policy – so it’s free to study through us.

Get an award winning education
The Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards recognise and celebrate outstanding achievements in pre-tertiary education.
In 2014, we won the award’s Education Focus Prize, ‘Takatū’ – ‘prepare, get ready’.
Meet your award winning team
We have 3 staff members dedicated to helping students and industries succeed – Manager Shaaron James, Carolyn Pudney represents us in Marlborough and Vicki Seager provides administrative support.
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