Uniformed Services 

If you want to pursue an active and exciting career path in the uniformed services but are not quite sure which service, then this is an ideal opportunity to try them out.

Paramedics, Police, Fire Services, Search and Rescue and Defence – these uniformed services all offer varied and exciting career opportunities.

You will have the opportunity to experience a simulated search and rescue exercise, emergency survival skills and find out what it is really like to be a paramedic, police officer, a firefighter or in the defence forces. Learning is practical, active and engaging – this is a fun way to take a big step towards achieving NCEA Level 2 while gaining your basic first aid certificate and also refining your career path.

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Student Stories

Phillip Schultz

Uniformed Services

Phillip has really enjoyed the practical activities of the Uniformed Services course. These have ranged from taking part in challenging multi-person first aid scenarios, through to USAR missing person search scenarios and learning about the fire service through real life fire service training activities. Phillip says that meeting the professional people who work in these services has given him a much greater insight into the different roles and type of work they do. He has a lot of respect for the difficult work these people undertake and the challenges they face every day that they go to work. 

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Find out more about what you will learn in the programme

On completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Provide basic life support and first aid.
  • Manage first aid in an emergency situation.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of general purpose knots and lines.
  • Use general purpose knots and lines in an emergency situation.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the role and functions of Civil Defence general rescue at ground level.
  • Identify safety equipment, safety precautions and hazards in general rescue situations at ground level.
  • Plan and carry out searches to locate simulated casualties within a specified area at ground level.
  • Move casualties to safe locations.
  • Demonstrate safe practices for participation in high ropes course activities.
  • Plan, conduct and review an informal interview.
  • Communicate in the outdoors using two-way radio.
  • Communicate in a team or group which has an objective.

This programme pathways to Adventure Tourism Leadership (Level 3).


Key Details

Level 2
2 Intakes per year. Dates TBC

4 x four day block courses (includes overnight)

Whenua Iti Outdoors

Whenua Iti Outdoors

Note: If circumstances change there could be mixed models of delivery e.g online, face to face one day per week or block options.

Training Pathways

  • New Zealand Police College
  • Bachelor of Health Science in Paramedicine
  • New Zealand Fire Service Training
  • New Zealand Defence Forces


Employment Opportunities

Employment opportunities:

  • Defence career options with NZ Army, NZ Airforce and NZ Navy
  • New Zealand Land Search and Rescue Inc.
  • Paramedic
  • Emergency Management

Would you like to apply?

If this sounds like you, get in touch with your Trades Academy Co-ordinator at your school or or apply online.
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