Luka Stackhouse
Luka enrolled in the Trades Building programme to learn more about the industry and gain practical skills. “Trades Academy is a great way of finding out about an industry before you commit to it. I like getting hands-on, doing practical projects and building things.”
At Trades we get to use drop saws and other equipment that we can’t use at school.
The tutors have also been really helpful – “They know what they’re doing and you can always ask questions if you’re not sure about something.”
Luka isn’t sure yet what he wants to do when he leaves school. He’s considering options in either the building or ski industry. Either way, he believes that the skills and practical experience he’s gaining at Trades Academy will be extremely helpful for his future. “I’d definitely recommend Trades Academy to other students. It’s a great opportunity to try your hand at something new and learn new skills. And you don’t have to pay for it.”