Lucas Baker
For Lucas, participating in the Manaaki Tāpoi programme has been a significant learning experience. Following in the footsteps of his older brother, Tama, Lucas has embraced the challenges presented to him on the Manaaki Tāpoi course. He says that getting to know the other students from different schools and the tutors and making these connections have been a very important aspect of the course.
The group has become a whanau, living communally, cooking and sharing the journey together. Lucas acknowledges the impact the tutors have had on his personal development and growth.
One of Lucas’s highlights on the Level 2 programme has been the opportunity to try out Waka Ama, paddling and camping in beautiful Bark Bay in the Abel Tasman National Park.
The next steps for Lucas are to complete the Manaaki Tāpoi Level 3 course and then at a later date the Trades Academy Tourism Operations course. Long term Lucas is looking at working in the area of cultural tourism where he can share his knowledge and respect for his ancestors, the land and their stories.
Lucas says he would recommend Trades Academy to all students: “Give it a go as you never know what it’s like until you give it a shot.”